Palm seeds in syrup (565g) by Lamthong
The Palm Seed in Syrup brings the exquisite taste, flavour and can be enjoyed as a snack or used as a topping for ice cream or yogurt.
The order Palm Tree consists of 32 genera with about 1100 species, which are mainly tropical though many are found in warm temperate regions also. A long stem, in some varieties prickly in some smooth, and long leaves consisting of many thorny segments are characteristic of all the varieties.
From the big coconut to the mid sized dates, palm tree seeds show a lot of variation in size, shape and taste and have many different uses. Palm seeds can be eaten and used in sweet recipes like pastries. These seeds are clear in appearance and sweet and crunchy in taste, and when they're sliced, cooled and served in syrup, they make an excellent dessert in their own right. In Thailand, sweet palm seeds are used to make a type of puff pastry.
You can eat Palm Seeds in Syrup anytime as quick, energy-rich snacks. You can mix them with ice cubes and serve as dessert or you can use them to make different sweet dishes like this puffed pastry:
Puff pastry: 1 packet
Palm Seeds in syrup 50g
Cut the pastry into 5x5 size square pieces. Slice the palm seeds. Put some of the seeds with spoon into the middle of each pastry piece and fold the corners into the middle. Brush the pastry with milk and bake. When they are half done, brush the pie and pastry with some heavy syrup from the tin to keep the seeds moist. Your delicious palm seed puff pastry is ready to be savoured.
Product of Thailand.