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Easy 5-Ingredient Japanese ‘Curry Udon’ Style Noodles
Udon noodles are a well known and popular type of Japanese noodles. Naturally thick and chewy in texture, they are perfect for soaking up flavours in soups, stir-fries and even when simply dipped in soy sauce!
In this blog, we’re sharing a quick and filling meal combining the deliciously mild and creamy Japanese curry sauce with thick and chewy Udon noodles to make a Japanese Curry Udon style noodle recipe that you can enjoy all year round.
If you’re wondering why we’re calling it a ‘Curry Udon’ style noodle recipe, that's because while a traditional Curry Udon would typically use Japanese curry roux, dashi stock (and also some sort of meat protein) our recipe saves time by using a ready made vegan-friendly curry sauce packed with extra veggies to nibble on. But of course, feel free to add your choice of meat.
Ingredients (Serves 1):
- 1 Carrot (Sliced into small circles)
- 2 Spring Onions* (Sliced)
- 1 Sachet S&B Japanese Style Curry Sauce
- 200g Wok-Ready Udon Noodles
- 150ml Water
- Salt + Pepper to taste (optional)
- Sautee the carrots and spring onions in a pan for roughly 2 minutes until slightly softened. Then follow by adding the curry sauce and stirring.
- Next, gradually add the water while stirring the sauce mixture until well combined. Then allow the pan to summer for a few minutes until slightly thickened and smooth.
- While the sauce is simmering, boil the Udon noodles in a separate pot for about 5 minutes (or cook according to packet instructions).
- Once cooked, place the Udon noodles in your preferred bowl and serve the curry sauce over the noodles.
- Finally, garnish the meal with spring onion slices and enjoy!
Video Demonstration:
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