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Typical Thai Deserts
Traditional international desserts such as ice cream and cakes are sold and served throughout Thailand. Many however, have been given an Asian twist such as ice creams with durian, lime and coconut flavourings and cakes including sponge rolls or buns with pandanus and custard fillings.
There are also those that are less known to the West such as Tako, which is made from coconut and has a jelly like texture. The puddings are set in small moulds, which are made from pandanus leaves that fragrance the puddings naturally and make them attractive in their appearance.
One Thai dessert that can be found on most Thai menus is sticky rice with mango, which is named 'Khao niao mamuang' in Thai. The rice is cooked and mixed with coconut milk and often sweetened further with palm sugar or granulated sugar. Fresh slices are then added to the rice or placed to the side.
Grass jelly, known as 'Chao Kuai' is an interesting looking desert due to it being black in colour. The black jelly is made with mesona chinesis leaves, which are slightly similar to mint leaves. The leaves are oxidized slightly and then boiled with potassium carbonate. Once set, it is ready to serve. Most locals will usually buy the grass jelly already made. It is then served with brown sugar and/or shavings of ice. The taste of the jelly is said to be slightly similar to lavender and a little bitter, hence sugar is added to balance the flavours.
At night, it is normal to see pancake stalls everywhere around large cities. Bananas, sugar and chocolate spread are usually added to sweeten further. This dessert is one that many visitors and tourists will be familiar with; it is also eaten as a snack by the locals and tourists.
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