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Thai Oliang Coffee Drink Recipe
The unique Thai coffee drink known as "oliang" is a blend of coffee, sesame seed and corn served over ice. Oliang preparation is a unique process, but you can certainly see particular Thai coffee street vendors in Thailand making it so fast you'd think they can do it with their eyes closed.
The coffee mix used to make oliang already has the sesame and corn mixed into it, so you don't need to worry about sourcing that.
Thai Coffee Preparation:
What You Need (in addition to the coffee):
- One stainless muslin filter
- Two small saucepans (or extra-wide cups with handles)
- One container full of boiling water
Step 1. Place 2 tablespoons of coffee in the stainless muslin filter. Position the filter over a saucepan or wide cup and pour about 10oz of boiling water through the filter. Then lift the filter, let drain and quickly move the filter so it's over another saucepan or wide cup.
Step 2. Pour the liquid coffee back through the filter and into the saucepan. Then lift the filter, let drain and quickly move the filter so it's over the other saucepan or wide cup (basically repeating step 1). Pour through the filter one more time.
Step 3. Place 2-3 tablespoons of white granulated sugar into a glass.
Step 4. Pour coffee into the glass with the sugar.
Step 5. Stir well.
Step 6. Pour coffee into a large mug filled with crushed ice.
Step 7. Serve with a straw, enjoy!
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